Minecraft Chess by Jeremy_desig

Size: 3.7 x 3.79 x 0.87 in x 1
Size: 2.32 x 2.17 x 0.71 in x 1
Model Description
3D model of jeremy8077
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

I made this set for my buddy's kids. Goal 1: Make kids happy. Goal 2: Get them...Show more into chess. Goal 3: Have an excuse to make stuff and create a forthcoming augmentation to the most perfect game. I will be including a set of rules to help resolve encounters in chess with a Pocket-Tactics style dice mechanic very soon.

I'm sure I've fractured all sorts of chess and Minecraft conventions in making this set. I apologize to any purists out there, but it was a fun albeit imperfect print. See remixed from for the STLs I used and modified to make this set.

All these pieces were printed at the MakerWare high quality default setting with ABS and then painted with spray paint. Some glue was used to assemble the bits, but that was pretty straight forward. Note: when gluing the Wither, beware where you grab as removing a super glued finger from the Wither will cause distress (trust me).
About The Model’s Author
79 models uploaded
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