Money Clip by Ray_3dstl

Model by
Size: 2.35 x 0.73 x 1.18 in x 1
Size: 2.4 x 0.74 x 0.68 in x 1
Model Description
3D model of thenewhobbyist
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

This is an edit of "Money Clip" by Bre. I made a few edits to the...Show more original to fit my needs.

I tapered the clip to allow it to hold fewer items. It has a nice solid pinch now.
I flared the lips on the outside to make sliding cards/cash into the clip easier.
I increased the clip height to keep it from sliding around quite so much.
This is my first derivative, I had a lot of fun tweaking an existing model to suit my needs.

New Museum Challenge notes:

This money clip is a derivative of an original model by Bre Pettis. My v4 clip is the fourth iteration of Bre's design. The Money Clip v4 is a simple wedge clip that can accommodate 5-6 credit/business cards as well as a small fold of cash. The clip also features a curved outer lip to simplify returning cards to the clip. The printed ABS allows for enough flex to firmly hold the contents of the clip while also allowing for expansion when necessary.

I believe it is a great example of collaborative design. I have been using this 24/7 since my derivative was uploaded and it has proven to be very rugged and sturdy showing no signs of wear. So in addition to the money clip showing how collaborative editing can improve the design process it also makes a good case for the day to day functional use of a home 3D printer.

1. Print money clip
2. Clip money
About The Model’s Author
106 models uploaded
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