Hand by Sonja_3dstl

Model by
Size: 1.91 x 2.11 x 0.1 in x 1
Size: 3.4 x 2.57 x 0.27 in x 1
Model Description
3D model of bqeducacion
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

This prosthesis has been designed to help those people with missing fingers.

It has...Show more been modelled keeping in mind the following principles:
-Keep the number of printed parts as low as possible
-Keep the assembly process as simple as possible
-Use the least possible amount of non-printable parts. The bolts and nuts in the joints have been replaced by bits of 1.75mm filament.
-Leave openings in the model to allow the hand to transpire
-Allow a higher degree of freedom in the wrist

The fingers flex when they are pulled by strings, such as fishing line, and extend automatically with the help of elastic cord.

A fabric strap with velcro is needed to secure the prosthesis to the arm.

The model is open-source, and thus can be studied and modified to improve its performance.

Doesn't Matter

Doesn't Matter

0.2 mm


For greater resistance: Shell thinkness(mm) 1.2

You can use tape boxer, it is cotton. Then you can add velcro where you need it.
About The Model’s Author
64 models uploaded
Approved profile