WOPR from War Games

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Size: 6.69 x 3.73 x 2.79 in x 1
Size: 6.69 x 3.73 x 2.79 in x 1
Model Description
WarGames is a favorite film of mine and I've always wanted to model the WOPR, but never quite got around to it. This weekend I came across the excellent model...Show more done by BrianEnigma and Chris25b's remix of it. After printing it out, I decided to correct the proportions that were off. STL's are hard to edit, so I started over from scratch, but I used some dimensions from the 105% WOPR Arduino case as a starting point and then went from there. It's hollow so you can put whatever you want inside of it. I think that this is the most accurate 3D model available so far and it printed beautifully. Enjoy. Special thanks to BrianEnigma, I would not have started this project if I hadn't stumbled across his. How about a nice game of chess?

UPDATE: I stuck an Arduino inside with an LED board on it. It looks fantastic with the flashing lights, a little difficult to photograph unfortunately. Video available here:

My wife took my original WOPR to keep on her desk at work so I built a second one using the updated r3 file. This one has a blue LOL shield inside of it instead of the original's red. https://youtu.be/iqw4kuKQveo

UPDATE: r3 is a minor update of the WOPR model. Some of these new features are quite small and may not show up on lower-resolution printers. They print fine on a MakerGear M2 at 100% scale, 0.35mm nozzle.

- Front latch positions have been moved slightly
- Groove around small bolted hatch in front has been made thinner
- Mouse hole added to rear for routing wires
- Hole pattern on tall console (above where it says WOPR) has been modified to be more accurate
- Trim groove has been added around main LED panel
- Screw heads added to rear air vent
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