Space Marine Squad for Space Crusade (Starque

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I am missing some of the miniatures from my Space Crusade (Starquest in Europe) boardgame, so I decided to print them. I modified the Space Marine model to make it...Show more stronger and I created the different marines: 3 commanders, bolter, grenade launcher, assault cannon, plasma gun, fusion gun, conversion beam, las-cannon and tarantula. Find the tarantula here:
I've done my best to make them look like the originals but I'm not a great designer.
A complete squad is made of 7 marines, but to cover all options you need 15 marines + the tarantula (5 bolter and one each of the others).
Space Crusade is not produced anymore and the miniatures are very difficult to find, so I hope I'm not infringing any copyright. I'm just trying to help people playing this beautiful game.
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