Prototype 3D Printing Service in Imatra, South Karelia, Finland

8 3D printing services for Prototype are ready to make your custom parts and deliver to Imatra, South Karelia, Finland. With a wide range of 3D printing technologies and materials available, it is crucial to find a suitable method and a trusted manufacturer for your specific demands. Therefore, we have selected 3D printing types most suitable for Prototype.

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3D Nordic 3D printing photo3D Nordic 3D printing photo3D Nordic 3D printing photo
Imatra, South Karelia, FI
Custom 3d printing, FDM and mSLA small series or batch. Wide resins and filaments... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D Design3D Scanning
Materials: PLA, ABS, Rubber (TPU) +1 material
Minimum Charge: €26.00
Shipping: €8.99
4.9/5(31 reviews)
DataNorppa 3D printing photoDataNorppa 3D printing photoDataNorppa 3D printing photo
Lappeenranta, South Karelia, FI
Meiltä saat laadukkaat 3D tulosteet nopealla aikataululla. Kauttamme saa myös erittäin yksityiskohtaisia resiinitulosteita useissa... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: ABS, Nylon, Elastic plastic (FLEX) +4 materials
Minimum Charge: €22.10
Shipping: €5.80
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Images not uploaded
Kangasniemi, South Savo, FI
Profware offers 3D printing services and laser cutting/engraving for plastics, plywood, wood, etc read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D DesignElectronics Manufacturing ServiceManufacturing ServicesSignageCutting
Materials: Wood PLA
Minimum Charge: €13.14
Shipping: €10.00
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Karelia 3D 3D printing photoKarelia 3D 3D printing photoKarelia 3D 3D printing photo
Liperi, Pohjois-Karjala, FI
3D printing and modelling service in Liperi, Finland. Printer: Original Prusa i3. Materials: PLA,... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA
Minimum Charge: US$37.50
Shipping: US$10.00
5/5(1 review)
Images not uploaded
Jyväskylä, -, FI
G-Tronic Oy on prototyyppeihin ja piensarjoihin erikoistunut konepaja. Tarjoamme myös 3D-Tulostusta, sekä suunnittelua. Lisää... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, Nylon, Elastic plastic (FLEX)
Minimum Charge: US$18.75
Shipping: US$7.00
5/5(1 review)
3D Print Finland 3D printing photo3D Print Finland 3D printing photo3D Print Finland 3D printing photo
3D Print Finland is a service provider that offers both high quality and affordable... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, PETG, ColorFabb XT CF20 (PET-G) +1 material
Minimum Charge: €26.00
Shipping: €10.00
4.9/5(40 reviews)
HeKeyTech 3D printing photoHeKeyTech 3D printing photoHeKeyTech 3D printing photo
Oulu, Northern Ostrobothnia, FI
Tarvitsetko yksittäisen muovituotteen tai pienimuotoista sarjatuotantoa? Pääperiaatteinani on: - Laatutakuu - Parasta mahdollista mikä... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, ABS, Nylon +13 materials
Minimum Charge: US$6.89
Shipping: US$6.90
5/5(2 reviews)
✅ 3D-Putiikki  - Certified 3D printing photo✅ 3D-Putiikki  - Certified 3D printing photo✅ 3D-Putiikki  - Certified 3D printing photo
Oulu, North Ostrobothnia, FI
Etsitkö laadukasta 3D-tulostuspalvelua, oli kyseessä sitten yksittäinen kappale tai pienimuotoinen sarjatuotanto? Olemme sertifioitu 3D-tulostuksen... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D PrintingCutting3D Design
Materials: PLA, PETG
Minimum Charge: €13.14
Shipping: €8.00

Here you can find companies experienced in Prototype 3D printing with delivery to Imatra, South Karelia, Finland. If you aren’t happy with the list above, we recommend you to turn on international search mode to see suitable professionals from all over the world.

How much does it cost to 3D print Prototype?

For instant pricing, you can drag and drop the file into the quote widget. Our system will analyze the model and provide you with the costs based on the quantity, material, color and size of your parts. With just a click you can switch between different options to get the whole price range for all available materials.

What if I don’t have a 3D file?

3D printing starts from a model, so it is necessary to have a file. Fortunately, many companies that provide additive manufacturing can help you designing the parts. For more complex modeling tasks, consider hiring a professional 3D designer.

What if I am not sure what 3D printing suits my project?

For the most common usage cases of 3D printed parts, we created small groups of technologies to help you navigate even without prior experience. With a brief understanding of your part’s application, our catalog narrows down the list of vendors to the best ones matching the type of piece you need.

How does it work?

  • Upload a 3D file to instant order;
  • Select specifications and fill in the delivery details;
  • Finalize the order process;
  • Monitor progress in your Purchases;
  • Get your custom parts delivered to your door.

Our support team is always available for assistance. To learn more about 3D printing technologies, visit our manufacturing guide. And the material guides will help you find out more about all available manufacturing mediums.