Ork Great Gargant 6mm Epic Scale Proxy model

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Model Description
This is inspired by the original Kev Adams 1990's era gargant with the rounded belly and arm and shoulder weapons.

some of the notable changes I made to the...Show more original design was the placement of the feed, rather than underneath they are to either side of the body, Another change was how I mounted the Buzz saw, I wanted it to look like it had a greater range of movement the 3d change was to the belly gun mount the original left huge holes in the belly that could be seen through during games, so I have added a big mantlet that I think gives the gargant a more solid look.

Also a minor tweak i widened the balcony on the back so now you can add infantry models there, but if you intend to do this do it before gluing the top body to the mid body.
With the modificatiosn its a little wider than the old model, and best mounted on a games workshop 80mm or reaper miniatures 75mm base. I have included a simple printable base id you don't have either of these sizes to hand

theoreticly you could scale this up for Titanicus, you would need to print at about 150%, priniting full size for 40k may be 2 difficult unless you cut up the hull parts or happen to have a huge print bed

You can add extra weapons from this selection here, Please mesage me if i have forgotten a weapon, i think i added all of them.

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